A Long Time Ago on a People Team Far, Far Away

A Long Time Ago on a People Team Far, Far Away

A Tribute To HR Professionals From A Long Time Ago In A Galaxy Far Far Away

Do or Adopt A Growth Mindset.png

May 4th is a great day. Not only is it two days after Dan’s birthday, but it’s Star Wars Day! To celebrate this year, we took a look through some great examples of talent development mindsets, strategies, and instances of how to do people management right. HR nerds, these are the memes you are looking for.

May the 4th be with you.

Sebulba the Buddy.png
Clone ERG.png
BB8 Recognition.png
Mentor Palpatine.png
Grooming with Chewie.png
Tech Check.png
I Can Successfully Fail and You Can Too

I Can Successfully Fail and You Can Too

Compt in COVID- An interview with Compt’s CEO and Co-Founder Amy Spurling

Compt in COVID- An interview with Compt’s CEO and Co-Founder Amy Spurling